Life is certainly a magical mystery tour. And for those canada mobile number list of us who live in Israel, the long and winding road just became a bit more scenic. With the surprise canada mobile number list announcement by Beatles singer and composer Sir Paul McCartney that he will be performing in Tel Aviv next month, the Jewish nation has taken a smiling leap back 40 years in time. From car radios, open market CD players and inside elegant, modern Canada mobile number list stores, the warm, loving, magical and mythical blends of Beatles music permeate every city and town in Israel.
A host of Web 2.0 Facebook and MySpace Canada mobile number list groups with a number of YouTube videos have been created to celebrate and promote Sir Paul McCartney's historic visit to the Holy Land. In January, Israel ambassador to Canada mobile number list Britain, Ron Prosor, handed a letter of apology to Julia Baird, sister of the late John Lennon, apologizing for a ban that Israel had placed on the Beatles back in 1965. The story begins back 43 years ago when the Beatles were invited to perform in Israel with a concert which never took place. At Canada mobile number list the time Israel officials cited financial problems, but it was more than money that kept the Beatles away.
The Israel committee report put it: "The Beatles Canada mobile number list have an insufficient artistic level and cannot add to the spiritual and cultural life of the youth in Israel."Sounds like this Israel committee was smoking stronger Canada mobile number list stuff than anything the Beatles may have experienced with Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. The Israel politicians believed Canada mobile number list that The Beatles would corrupt innocent Israeli youth. But was it really naive Israel politicians?
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