Welcome to WPC - from Pastor Kay
Welcome to WPC! I am Pastor Lorelei Kay and I joined this congregation in January 2013. Here’s what I’ve learned about this church:
We are warm-hearted people who don’t pretend to be perfect and don’t expect others to be perfect, either.
We are deeply faithful in our personal lives - we study the Bible, we pray, and we live out their faith with dedication and humility.
We have a sense of humor and a sense of justice.
We can cook!
We want to serve Christ in this time and this place to the best of our ability.
We want to watch our church and community thrive.
In the tradition of our denomination, the Presbyterian Church (USA), we honor Jesus - his life and teachings, his crucifixion, and his resurrection, by taking the Scriptures seriously, learning everything we can about their context and their meaning, and applying them to our daily lives.
If this sounds like the church for you, join us Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. to meet us. We hope you will find our worship services meaningful and uplifting.
Yours in Christ, Pastor Kay